“Rör inte Svensson“, main editorial (in Swedish), Dagens Nyheter, January 27, 2013
Monthly Archives: January 2013
“Ränterebellens sista strid”
“Ränterebellens sista strid” (“The policy-rate rebel’s last fight,” in Swedish), article by Claes Lönegård in Fokus No. 4, January 25, 2013
National Debt Office Questions Riksbank Decision to Increase Its Foreign Exchange Reserves
“Monetary Policy and Employment: Monetary Policy Is Too Tight”
Speech at The Swedish Trade Union Confederation, LO, Stockholm, January 16, 2013. English Swedish. Summary video (in Swedish)
New comment: “Discussion of Athanasios Orphanides and Volker Wieland ‘Complexity and Monetary Policy'”
New comment: “Discussion of Athanasios Orphanides and Volker Wieland ‘Complexity and Monetary Policy’,” International Journal of Central Banking 9, Supplement 1 (2013) 205-218.