New discussion: The Executive Board discusses Material for Assessing Monetary Policy 2010, March 29, 2011.
Monthly Archives: March 2011
New speech: “For a Better Monetary Policy: Focus on Inflation and Unemployment,” speech at Luleå University of Technology, March 8, 2011.
New speech: “For a Better Monetary Policy: Focus on Inflation and Unemployment,” speech at Luleå University of Technology, March 8, 2011.
New interview: “Chasing the Perfect Interest Rate”)
New interview: “Chasing the Perfect Interest Rate” (“På jakt efter den perfekta räntan”, in Swedish), interview in Tvärsnitt 2011:1, Vetenskapsrådet (the magazine Cross Section, the Swedish Research Council), March 31, 2011.
New Ph.D. course: Monetary Economics (2nd year Ph.D. course)
New Ph.D. course: Monetary Economics (2nd year Ph.D. course, joint with Nils Gottfries and Johan Söderberg at Uppsala University, and Ulf Söderström and Andreas Westermark at the Riksbank)