New research summary: “Liquidity Traps, Policy Rules for Inflation Targeting, and Eurosystem Monetary-Policy Strategy,” NBER Reporter, Winter 2002/2003.
Yearly Archives: 2002
Talk at the Hong Kong Institute for Monetary Research, Hong Kong Monetary Authority, “Escaping from Deflation and a Liquidity Trap”
Talk at the Hong Kong Institute for Monetary Research, Hong Kong Monetary Authority, “Escaping from Deflation and a Liquidity Trap,” Dec 17, 2002.
Discussion of Edward Nelson, “The Future of Monetary Aggregates in Monetary Policy Analysis”
Discussion of Edward Nelson, “The Future of Monetary Aggregates in Monetary Policy Analysis,” Carnegie-Rochester Conference on Public Policy, Pittsburgh, PA, Nov 22-23, 2002.
New written discussion: “Comment on Edward Nelson, ‘The Future of Monetary Aggregates in Monetary Policy Analysis'”
New written discussion: “Comment on Edward Nelson, ‘The Future of Monetary Aggregates in Monetary Policy Analysis’,” Carnegie-Rochester Conference on Public Policy, Pittsburgh, PA, Nov 22-23, 2002, Journal of Monetary Economics, forthcoming.
Discussion of Maurice Obstfeld, Jay C. Shambaugh and Alan M. Taylor, “The Trilemma in History: Tradeoffs amonge Exchange Rates, Monetary Policies, and Capital Mobility”
Discussion of Maurice Obstfeld, Jay C. Shambaugh and Alan M. Taylor, “The Trilemma in History: Tradeoffs amonge Exchange Rates, Monetary Policies, and Capital Mobility,” NBER International Finance and Macro Program Meeting, Cambridge, MA, Oct 18, 2002.
New revision: “Monetary Policy and Real Stabilization”
New revision: “Monetary Policy and Real Stabilization“, Sep 2002, in Rethinking Stabilization Policy, A Symposium Sponsored by the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City, forthcoming.
Norges Bank Watch 2002 released: “An Independent Review of Monetary Policy and Institutions in Norway”
Norges Bank Watch 2002 released: “An Independent Review of Monetary Policy and Institutions in Norway,” Sep 2002.
New Briefing Paper: “A Good Thing Could Happen at the ECB: An Improvement of the Eurosystem’s Definition of Price Stability”
New Briefing Paper: “A Good Thing Could Happen at the ECB: An Improvement of the Eurosystem’s Definition of Price Stability,” Sep 2002.
The Bank of Sweden Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel 2002
Discussion of Vitor Gaspar and Frank Smets, “Monetary Policy, Price Stability and Output Gap Stabilization,” and Justin Wolfers, “Is Business Cycle Volatility Costly? Evidence from Surveys of Subjective Wellbeing,” at the conference “Stabilizing the Economy: What Roles for Fiscal and Monetary Policy?,” July 11, 2002, New York.
Discussion of Vitor Gaspar and Frank Smets, “Monetary Policy, Price Stability and Output Gap Stabilization,” and Justin Wolfers, “Is Business Cycle Volatility Costly? Evidence from Surveys of Subjective Wellbeing,” at the conference “Stabilizing the Economy: What Roles for Fiscal and Monetary Policy?,” July 11, 2002, New York.
New written-up discussion of Vitor Gaspar and Frank Smets, “Monetary Policy, Price Stability and Output Gap Stabilization,” and Justin Wolfers, “Is Business Cycle Volatility Costly? Evidence from Surveys of Subjective Wellbeing”
New written-up discussion of Vitor Gaspar and Frank Smets, “Monetary Policy, Price Stability and Output Gap Stabilization,” and Justin Wolfers, “Is Business Cycle Volatility Costly? Evidence from Surveys of Subjective Wellbeing,” at the conference “Stabilizing the Economy: What Roles for Fiscal and Monetary Policy?,” July 11, 2002, New York.
New revision and acceptance: “Indicator Variables for Optimal Policy”
New revision and acceptance: “Indicator Variables for Optimal Policy,” (with Michael Woodford), July 2002, Journal of Monetary Economics, forthcoming.
Talk at the Nordic Central Bank Meeting, “Possible Improvements of the Eurosystem’s Monetary Policy Regime”
Talk at the Nordic Central Bank Meeting, “Possible Improvements of the Eurosystem’s Monetary Policy Regime,” Mariehamn, Åland, June 25, 2002.
New revision and acceptance: “Indicator Variables for Optimal Policy under Asymmetric Information”
New revision and acceptance: “Indicator Variables for Optimal Policy under Asymmetric Information,” (with Michael Woodford, Princeton University), June 2002, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, forthcoming.