“Tidigare vice riksbankschefen: ”Avskaffa amorteringskravet”, intervju, Dagens Industri, 12 januari 2023.
Category Archives: Interviews
Ska verkligen amorteringskraven komma tillbaka trots att de saknar påvisbar samhällsnytta?
“Ekonomiska tungviktare i tvist om amorteringskrav“, intervju, Dagens Nyheter, 1 februari 2021.
“Ska verkligen amorteringskraven komma tillbaka trots att de saknar påvisbar samhällsnytta?“, inlägg, Ekonomistas, 1 februari 2020.
Intervju i Svenska Dagbladet
Intervju i Svenska Dagbladet, 26 april, 2018.
Bloomberg interview: Inflation targeting guru finds system has withstood the test
Bloomberg interview: “Inflation Targeting Guru Finds System Has Withstood the Test,” March 19, 2018.
Studiosamtal om kreditrestriktioner och svenskarnas skuldsättning
Studiosamtal mellan Stefan Attefall och mig om kreditrestriktioner och svenskarnas skuldsättning, Bostadspolitik.se (in Swedish). Continue reading
Intervju i SVT Aktuellt om bostadspriser, skulder och skärpt amorteringskrav
Intervju i SVT Aktuellt, 3 november 2017, kl. 21.
SVTPlay (intervjun börjar efter 9 min 25 sek).
Utskrift av intervjun [med några språkliga rättelser]: Continue reading
Intervju i Dagens Nyheter: Ingves borde inte ha fått stanna som riksbankschef
“Ingves borde inte ha fått stanna som riksbankschef“, (“Ingves should not have been allowed to stay as Governor,” in Swedish), interview in Dagens Nyheter, October 18, 2017.
Interview in IMF Research Bulletin
“Monetary Policy, Financial Stability, and Life at the IMF,” interview in IMF Research Bulletin, June 2016.
Interview in Svenska Dagbladet: Today’s negative interest rate is needed because the rate was hiked too fast earlier
Interview in Svenska Dagbladet, May 23, 2016 (in Swedish)
Bloomberg interview
Bloomberg interview, April 13, 2016.
How best to manage a housing boom: Interview by IMF Survey
An interview of me by IMF Survey.
- Monetary policy is not suitable for managing housing booms and rising household debt
- Not all housing booms pose a problem
- Identifying problem cases requires deep and complex analysis
Interview in Global Housing Watch Newsletter
“Interview with Lars E.O. Svensson,” in Global Housing Watch Newsletter, March 30, 2015, where I answer the following questions:
- The need to keep monetary policy rates low to support an ailing economy, but at the same time, manage a boom in the housing market—that’s the scenario in which many policymakers around the world find themselves in. How should policymakers approach this type of scenario?
- Can monetary policy be used to manage problems associated with a housing boom?
- How can policymakers assess whether household debt poses a problem?
- So, if monetary policy is not suitable, how can any problems with household debt be handled?
Interview: Negative interest rates – helpful or harmful?
“Negative Interest Rates: Helpful or Harmful?” Interview in Top of Mind, Issue 32, February 27, 2015, Goldman Sachs. German translation.
Ekonomiekot: Noll ränta räcker inte
“Noll ränta räcker inte“, Ekonominyheter från Ekot, Sveriges Radio (“Zero interest rate is not enough,” Radio Sweden’s Economy News (in Swedish)), December 30, 2014.
“The Riksbank should lower the policy rate to -0.25 or even -0.50”
Short interview in Reuters, November 27, 2014.